Going green can be difficult, especially if you lead a busy life and rely on modern one-use conveniences. In honor of Earth Day this month, we’re looking at simple changes you can make around the house to be a little kinder to our planet. We’ve gathered a few of our favorite eco-friendly swaps and conservation tips that are sure to inspire anyone to make the change.

Limit One-Time-Use Items
It can be hard to break the habit of reaching for a plastic sandwich baggie or paper towel, but by opting for reusable options you can help keep tons (literally) of garbage out of landfills each year. A few of our favorite swaps that are super simple are reusable silicone sandwich baggies, canvas grocery bags, and reusable water bottles.
Switch To Energy Efficient Bulbs
By swapping out your old-school incandescent light bulbs to new bulbs that have earned the Energy Star rating you can save up to $75 per year. Energy efficient bulbs about 25%-80% less energy and can last 3-25 times longer making the transition to going green even more appealing.
Look For The Energy Star Label
If you’re revamping your kitchen or simply updating and replacing appliances, be sure to look for the Energy Star label on new appliances. This label means you’re selecting household appliances that are energy efficient in order to reduce greenhouse gasses and other pollutants. This rating can be found on nearly every product from water heaters to ceiling fans.
Wash On Cold
An estimated 75 to 90 percent of all the energy your washer uses goes towards warming the cycle’s water. By switching to cold water, you can significantly save energy and lower your gas or electric bill. Take your savings one step further and air dry laundry items whenever possible.
It seems nearly impossible to avoid buying plastic products. Food, household cleaners, toys and everyday items are either made of or packaged in plastic. However, you can make the extra effort and recycle the plastic that comes into your home. This simple lifestyle change can make a huge difference in your waste footprint. Austintexas.gov has great resources to help take the confusion out of recycling.
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